Optimizing Performance

As a global CIO and operations SVP, I have led successful initiatives to integrate global IT operations and align technology with enterprise business goals. Approaching all technology transformations from a business-first perspective, my teams and I have:

  • Led a technology transformation that repositioned the company as a global market leader in integrated securities and derivative/FX execution, settlement, and custody technology.
  • Spearheaded the technology changes that enabled 800% transactional volume growth (exceeding 6 million transactions/day) in two years.
  • Built new business capabilities while reducing IT costs by more than $10M / year.
  • ​Participated in 23 M&A deals; Achieved post-M&A technology objectives following the acquisition, consolidation, and/or divestiture of six companies.

I’ve led organic and acquisition-based international expansions across several financial sectors. Now I’m ready to do for you what I’ve done for four mid-sized and Global Fortune/Forbes 500 companies: position IT as an enabler and leading driver of business growth.

If this sounds like the level of IT leadership you need in your organization, then please contact me to discuss in full detail the immediate and long-term value I can bring.

Featured Work

Increased market data capacity 33% while Reducing market data and order execution infrastructure costs $3M / year.

Cut number of data centers 20% globally despite intense opposition; additional 50% reduction in progress before divestiture began.

Grew professional services revenue 17% (+$1M) the first year I led the team.

Created and Deployed a global project portfolio and governance process saving $1M / year and providing transparency into global IT spend. 


Other Featured Accomplishments and Experiences

William McLemore

Bringing Global Technology Experience to

Lead and Manage Growth and Efficiencies